Уште малку FUD во македонскиот печат


Неверојатно колку лесно водечките стручњаци од разни области во Македонија се одважуваат да (хм...) зборат глупости во медиуми. Последниот пример е В. Пепељуговски кој во интервјуто за Дневник се искажува дека:

„Па пиратството е најголемо зло на 21 век. Од него се финансира тероризмот, подоходовен е од трговија со оружје, дрога и бели робје.“

За среќа, баш пред неколку часа го гледавме Џереми Зимерман овде на 27c3 (повеќе за тоа - тука), кој низ сите информации што ги сподели, кажа и за списокот на научни студии во врска со споделувањето на фајлови (file sharing) што тие го водат.

Па еве неколку набрзина:

University of Amsterdam - 2010 - Economic and cultural effects of unlawful file sharing

* May 2010 - A new study by the University of Amsterdam claims that unlawful file sharing by broadband ISP customers appears to be considerably less harmful than Rights Holders maintain and could even be beneficial to music, film and video game sales.

BBC - 2009 - "Pirates" spend more on music (FR)

* 02 November 2009 A report by BBC news cites the results of a survey about piracy among more than 1000 people commissioned by Demos researchers. This online poll has found that people who admit downloading music through illegal file-sharing spend nearly twice as much as those who claim they do not and that current price of music files is far higher than what customers are willing to pay. Websites (including peer-to-peer systems and streaming services) visited by music listeners are also explored.

IPSOS Germany - 2009 - Filesharers are better "consumers" of culture (FR)

* October 2009 - A study realized between January and March 2009 in 12 countries among 6500 Internet users by IPSOS Allemagne shows that French Internet users are not the World Champions of illegal downloading. This study also shows that in Germany "filesharers are better "consumers" of culture than the German Internet users who don't download illegally. Sources: tempsreel.nouvelobs.com 21/09/2009 pcinpact.com 21/09/2009 ecrans.fr 22/09/2009

Frank N. Magid Associates, Inc. - 2009 - P2P / Best consumers for Hollywood (EN)

* Another study shows that P2P networks (Vuze) users are the best consumers for Hollywood: « Introducing Hollywood's Best Custormers ». Source: Frank N. Magid Associates, Inc. - 02/06/2009.

M@rsouin - 2008 - P2P / buy more DVDs (FR)

* This note realized by M@rsouin presents the principal results of a survey on video consumption (or on audiovisual content consumption in general) on the Internet. We'll take a particular look to the statistic vision of online video consumption. The conclusion of this study: "Those who download videos on P2P networks, also are those who buy more DVDs."

Dutch government - 2009 - Illegal downloading = Positive effect (NL)

* A new report (2009) commissioned by the Dutch government, about the economical and cultural consequences of filesharing on music, film and video games industries concludes that illegal downloading has a positive global effect on the economy.

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Никако не можеше никој да

Никако не можеше никој да напише едно писмо и да ги потсети луѓето дека постои и отворен софтвер? Мислам дека беше прекрасна прилики, толку глупости на едно место одамна немало во врска со пиратеријата...