

Ден за интервјуа


If you want people to become activists, you have to give them something. You can give them a sense of purpose. You can give them a sense of being a better person. And those are important, but I also think that you can’t neglect fun. Our society is about pleasure; even if you look at counter culture, it’s about pleasure, and to separate politics out from that makes no sense.

Врска: Dreaming that the Revolution Might Be Fun.

My philosophy then, and my philosophy now, is that learning the first 80% of something new takes 20% of the effort. My goal in college was not to become an expert on phenomenology or civil engineering; my goal was to understand the framework of as many disciplines as I could.

By never taking the hardest course in any department, I was able to get this great overview of a bunch of stuff, but become an expert on nothing.

The thing is, the stuff that's for everybody is already sold to everybody. So you can't win by being more average than average, because that slot's taken.

Врска: An Interview with Seth Godin.

"It's curious. When I published 'Pattern Recognition' " -- his previous book, which was also set in the recent past and achieved mainstream success -- "within a few months there was someone who started a Web site. People were compiling Googled references to every term and every place in the book. It has photographs of just about every locale in the book -- a massive site that was compiled by volunteer effort. But it took a couple of years to come together.

Врска: Through the Looking Glass.

П.С. http://nodemagazine.com/

Интервју со Вилијам Гибсон


Одлично интервју со Вилијам Гибсон: врска.


Well, in a sense, although I think when I started, one of the assumptions that I had was that science fiction is necessarily always about the day in which it was written. And that was my conviction from having read a lot of old science fiction. 19th century science fiction obviously expresses all of the concerns and the neuroses of the 19th century and science fiction from the 1940's is the 1940's. George Orwell's 1984 is really 1948, the year in which he wrote it. It can't be about the future. It's about where the person who wrote it thought their present was, because you can't envision a future without having some sort of conviction, whether you express it or not in the text, about where your present is.

Едвај чекам да ја набавам Spook Country.

Новите медиуми и градот


Конечно (после 3 месеци) стигнав да го прочитам интервјуто на Герт Ловинк за грчкиот re-public: Тези за новите медиуми и градот.


...architects and urban planners have so far done remarkably little with the rise of new media over the past decades. It is the urban experience that has changed, but not the spatial organization itself. Architects still consider computers as inferior offline tools that assist the genius artist-engineer in drawing up ‘virtual architecture’. They must feel a millennial superiority over all these ones and zeros; let alone that they have started to understand the networked nature of today’s culture. What we should not be fooled about is their elegant and sophisticated play with metaphors. When you hear architects and urban planner talk and look at their power point presentations, it’s actually quite impressive.

А кај нас? Се уште не сум видел импресивна презентација од некој архитект, а и повеќето нови згради што се градат ми се чинат прилично грди.

Сепак, ми останува да се надевам дека иднината ќе донесе нешто поубаво.

Патем, исто интересно на re-public: Интервју со Лоренс Лесиг за 4 години Creative Commons.