Исланд и слободата


Навистина е интересно да се види како некои земји реагираат на проблеми и кризи. Еве го Исланд, откако банкротираше: Icelandic Modern Media Initiative.

According to Reporters Sans Frontiers (RSF), Iceland went from being placed first in the world for freedom of expression (2007) to 9th (2009). It is time this trend was rectified.

The goal of the IMMI proposal is to task the government with finding ways to strengthen freedom of expression around world and in Iceland, as well as providing strong protections for sources and whistleblowers. To this end the legal environment should be explored in such a way that the goals can be defined, and changes to law or new law proposals can be prepared.

Во суштина спремаат Закон според кој новинарите ќе бидат целосно заштитени. Повеќе има и на Гардијан: Iceland's fight for press freedom.