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Вчера и денес испадна некако да сурфам по женски блогови (веројатно). И така (некако) стигнав до „Размена на колачи“ кај Патување со облаците:
Значи зависи колку луѓе ќе се пријават, и секој прави по 6 колачи за сите, освен за него самиот. Колачите треба да се убаво запакувани, со прикачен рецепт на нив. Се одредува ден кога колачите се разменуваат, обично тоа е неколку дена пред празник, за да не се расипат нели. Сите ги носиме колачите во канцеларија кај организаторот и таа ги распоредува така да секој добива по 6 колачи од другите. Ние учествувавме 11 луѓе, па јас направив 60 колачи, ги спакував на 10 места по 6, а добив 60 колачи, во 10 различни врсти.
Imagine what it would be like if recipes were hoarded in the same fashion as software. You might say, “How do I change this recipe to take out the salt?” and the great chef would respond, “How dare you insult my recipe, the child of my brain and my palate, by trying to tamper with it? You don't have the judgment to change my recipe and make it work right!”
“But my doctor says I'm not supposed to eat salt! What can I do? Will you take out the salt for me?”
“I would be glad to do that; my fee is only $50,000.” Since the owner has a monopoly on changes, the fee tends to be large. “However, right now I don't have time. I am busy with a commission to design a new recipe for ship's biscuit for the Navy Department. I might get around to you in about two years.
И на предавање во Њу Јорк во 2001:
Now, some of you may not ever write computer programs, but perhaps you cook. And if you cook, unless you're really great, you probably use recipes. And, if you use recipes, you've probably had the experience of getting a copy of a recipe from a friend who's sharing it. And you've probably also had the experience -- unless you're a total neophyte -- of changing a recipe. You know, it says certain things, but you don't have to do exactly that. You can leave out some ingredients. Add some mushrooms, 'cause you like mushrooms. Put in less salt because your doctor said you should cut down on salt -- whatever. You can even make bigger changes according to your skill. And if you've made changes in a recipe, and you cook it for your friends, and they like it, one of your friends might say, "Hey, could I have the recipe?" And then, what do you do? You could write down your modified version of the recipe and make a copy for your friend. These are the natural things to do with functionally useful recipes of any kind.
Вечерва, од 8 до 10 новогодишно сподели знаење на ФЕИТ. Кој сака може да донесе и колачи. :)