May 2015

Софтвер за истражувачки медиуми


За оние кои во Македонија се бават со истражувачко новинарство, First Look, издавачот на The Intercept - медиумот каде што продолжи да работи Глен Гринвалд откога замина од Гардијан, објави две софтверски алатки што ја олеснуваат работата на новинарите.

Едната е AutoCanary, алатка која што автоматски ја известува јавноста дека медиумот не добил „наредба за молчење“ од страна на некоја владина служба.

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Значи правец

Bombshell 30 and can it get uglier than this?


It's already three months into the wiretapping scandal and today we heard the most disturbing recordings so far.

In several recordings played today we hear Interior ministry officials (allegedly Minister Gordana Jankulovska and press officer Ivo Kotevski) discussing Nikola Mladenov's death, the investigation, withholding evidence, using the Ministry's surveillance equipment to find his position via his phone, and the capacity of the judge to complete the proceedings. They laugh and joke about the death of the journalist, denouncing everyone who is asking questions about the accident as 'a communist' (specific Macedonian jargon is 'komunjar') which is a derogative word.

The recordings also show Interior ministry officials plot to send life threatening messages to journalists as 'a joke' following the death of Mladenov, by phone and at his funeral, and also mention threats towards jailed and now released investigative journalist Tomislav Kezarovski

Minutes after the press conference held by SDSM's president Zoran Zaev ended, the ruling VMRO-DPMNE party issued a statement supporting a new, independent investigation into the death of Nikola Mladenov.